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Cosmetic Surgery: Common Reasons Why Breast Reduction is Chosen
Ray Heinson
Most women have a breast shape that fits their body for the most part. There are some women who have large breasts that can cause discomfort or even pain. For these women, choosing a breast reduction becomes a informed decision.
Breast reduction for women, also referred to as a reduction mammoplasty, is a invacise treatment that involves the removal of extra fat, glandular tissue, from the breast thereby reducing breast size and weight.
Many who refer to the process of breast reduction also consider it to be a kind of cosmetic surgery because the patient’s life is not life threatening. In other words, there is not a significant life threatening condition that requires the reduction. However, there are cases where large breasts can cause physical pain and emotional issues.
The common reasons that women undergo breast reduction is because it is a way of relieving or erasing of chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain. In addition, there is less skin irritation in the breast creases, their appearance is enhanced, and their self confidence is raised. They discover that they are quickly able to try on clothes that actually fit nice. They are also able to engage in more sports activities that require running. researchers ahve also founf that there is some proof that breast reduction may reduce the likelihood of developing breast cancer.
The type of breast reduction surgical process that is used often will normally determine the outcome. Following the procedure, breasts will be much smaller. The results are immediate as patients have reported right away an improvement in comfort and less pain. Scars and swelling can vary and can last a varying amount of time. Scars can be covered using clothing, bras, and swim wear. Patients have reported that within a month, their pain has almost completely disappeared, their scars faded within about six months, their clothing fit better, and they have an improved self-image.
To see if you are eligible for breast reduction surgery, you will typically need a physician’s referral slip. A consultation with a cosmetic surgeon and maybe a psychiatrist will follow. They will evaluate you and ultimately decide if you do indeed qualify for the surgery. During the consultation, your surgeon will go over the risks associated with your particular case. Risks can include scarring and possibly different sized breasts, and the inability to breast feed. The surgical process will also be explained. Your skin condition, age, size, and breast shape are all important factors when evaluating your candidacy for surgery. The surgeon will then examine and take a photograph your breasts for use during surgery. It is not uncommon to have a mammogram.
Ray Heinson is a health industry writer and provides information for women who want to raise their self-confidence and have a more normal breast size to see a
Breast Reduction Doctor
. Find a way to reduce breast fat permanently. Visit www.GetBreastReduction.com
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