By Roger Thompson
In todays electronic age it is becoming simple for the handyman to work with do it yourself home security systems and the components are available from a variety of sources. Through the use of wireless technology and plug-and-play cameras and digital video recorders, a person can connect a do it yourself home security system in their home or business in less than an hour, depending on the complexity of the system being installed.
Before you pretend to know what you are doing and buying all the stuff you think you need for a weekend do it yourself home security project, you will need to survey your house and property to determine your exact needs. Where you place security cameras and door and window sensors you will want to insure you can cover the entire area. With many devices, especially cameras, the use of motion detectors can save spec on your image storage device as well as reduce playback time following an incident.
Once you have determine where you believe cameras and other devices may be needed, visit the online sites of companies to determine the types of do it yourself home security devices that are available. You may find the by using wide-angle lenses you can reduce the number of cameras needed for close-up surveillance. Additionally, for faster identification of potential problems, longer lenses can be placed for views of areas further away from the building.
When you think you are ready to begin a do it yourself home security project, double check that everything you need is on hand. There is nothing worse than being on the roof installing a camera and finding out you are short of cable connectors. You will have to climb back down the ladder, head to the store and if it is open, buy what you need and then head back up the ladder. It is better to inventory your equipment and supplies at the beginning of the do it yourself home security project than have to stop in the middle. Unless you have access to a battery operated television with which to view the images from the camera, you will need help lining up the cameras used in the do it yourself home security system. While you adjust the views from the cameras, have your helper watch the video screen to make sure the image received catches the area needed and that the images are in focus.
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