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Submitted by: Alex Lemone
What does it cost to get married these days? You’ve got some savings, and it’s all up to the two of you to find a way to make this wedding happen. Can you do it on two thousand dollars? On five thousand? Here is the average cost of a wedding this year and the categories you need to consider when planning for wedding costs.
The average wedding costs twenty-seven thousand dollars, according to the Bridal Association of America. This includes the cost of rings, catering, photographer, wedding planner, flowers, church, and the reception venue. Every wedding has its own individual needs, but here are some baselines for wedding costs.
Wedding bands can range from less than one hundred dollars for thin silver, yellow gold, or inherited wedding bands to more than two thousand dollars for larger platinum and diamond-studded bands.
A wedding photographer can cost less than one thousand dollars or more than ten thousand dollars. When planning for a photographer, make sure to ask what they include in their package. Does it include the prints? How many? Does it include an album? Or will you be getting a disc of digital photos?
The average wedding cake costs $543, according to the Bridal Association of America. For sheet and tiered cakes, the cost per slice can range from $1.50 per slice to more than ten dollars a slice. Make sure to ask your baker or caterer about extra costs. Often extras like fondant icing are not covered, and delivery and cutting fees may be extra as well.
A wedding dress can cost anywhere from less than two hundred dollars to five thousand dollars or more. The average dress costs $1505, according to the Bridal Association of America. Keep costs down by borrowing or inheriting a dress or by shopping discount outlets.
According to the Bridal Association of America, wedding flowers cost $698, on average. The church or wedding site can cost between one hundred dollars and three thousand dollars for about three to five hours of time. Make sure to ask if the officiant’s fee is included in your quote.
Parents can expect to pay between ten and two-hundred fifty dollars per person at a rehearsal dinner. Catering for the wedding can have widely varying costs. For a do-it-yourself catering job or a small restaurant, costs can be less than twenty dollars a person. For appetizers only, you can expect to pay between thirty and seventy dollars a person. For a sit-down dinner with appetizers and drinks, you can pay anywhere between $125-350 per person. Drinks, cake, food service, flatware, and gratuity may or may not be included in this total. Make sure to ask your caterer what is provided with their package.
Expect to pay between fifty dollars and ten thousand dollars for a reception venue. Some restaurants and alternative venues like bowling alleys require only a fifty dollar room rental fee. Expensive hotels can charge between twenty five hundred and ten thousand dollars for a hall rental. Ask about extra charges for insurance and security guards.
Don’t let these numbers scare you. It is possible to have a gorgeous, memorable wedding on any budget. Use your imagination, do your research, and the wedding of your dreams is within reach.
About the Author: Alex Lemone is a family and wedding writer. To read some
wedding planning ideas
or some more
wedding ideas
, go visit Wedding Ideas Etc. Note: You may reprint this article on your website, newsletter, or blog as long as the resource box remains in tact and hyperlinks stay active and dofollow.
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