Acting Tips for Kids
Once you know what is required at the audition, you then you need to pick a song and/or a monologue that will suit your talents. Its very important to pick a song and then practice the song in the key that the sheet music you have is written in. Sometimes people go to auditions and there music is in a different key than theyre used to singing in.
“Let’s pretend a boy named Sam flunked his math test. A bully sees his grade and announces to the class, “Sam flunked the test. Sam’s a dumb dork.” Lots of kids laugh. Sam hangs his head and stares at his desk. How do you think Sam feels? What will you say? What will you do? Let’s roll play how you would like to react.”
If this describes your child, I can imagine your frustration. Years ago, before I became a child and family counselor, I taught the elementary grades. I noted that my third graders could read and work somewhat on their own. My second graders read less well and had less focus power.
Learn how to create calm energy and pace your morning for low tension and high energy. Give your child enough time to wake up without rushing, Turn on the lights when your child gets up. Have a regular morning routine. Keep the TV turned off. Play upbeat music if you like. Talk about the plans for the day while sitting down for a good breakfast.
Start young – make sure that you start training your kids to eat healthy foods as well as lead healthy lives early. This way, when they grow up, they’ll be able to make healthy choices on their own. A lot of parents start feeding their children vegetables too late. This equals tantrums and poor compromises. When children learn at a very young age that vegetables can be delicious and good for them, they will be able to make healthy food choices without you having to resort to pleading.
Second, make lots of time for your spouse and you to talk and take care of each other. Make sure you have a date night each week, even if it’s just taking a walk around the block together without any of the kids.
Sometime people comment on beauty of your child and even try to compare them with the already famous TV or Film artists. Did you take the comments seriously and desirous of making your child famous by pursuing an acting career in the TV/ Film commercials or mainstream acting.
These things may have worked in the 80’s or 90’s but in the 2000’s they don’t seem to be as effective. Very few actors tell me that they’ve gotten quality work or agent representation by using any of the above techniques. They’re just going around the board wearing out their “shoe”.
Teen-eating-disorders can be very scary for parents. It is imperative that you make sure your teen is medically and psychiatrically stable. If you know, your child is not in danger; hopefully your anxiety will be relieved enough so that you can help in a way that is best for your adolescent.
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Acting Tips for Kids