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Loans UK
Anaya Erika
As the demand from the beauty and fashion industry becomes more and more harsh, a lot of young women are taking personal loans to work upon their physical features. Plastic surgery is cheaper in South East Asia than in Western Europe. As the loan seeker is at liberty to use the loan principle whichever way they want, most consumers use these loans to pay the hospital bills, as well as holiday trips.
Anyone who is above 18 years of age and is a resident of UK is eligible to take a loan. Typically segregated into two types, loans UK are can be of either secured or unsecured variety. Any loan taken against collateral is secured in nature. The interest is low in this loan type due to the presence of collateral. On the other hand, an unsecured loan can be availed without placing any asset against the loan.
It is better to have a realistic idea about the loan principle you can afford. In secured loans UK, borrowers face the threat of repossession of property in the event of failure to repay. However, there are benefits as well. With these loans, one can borrow a big amount. While the standard amount with secured loans is 75000, it is possible to get a greater amount with a high-value collateral. Also, the repayment term is around thirty years, which facilitates the borrower to have greater control over his finances. The interest rates are relatively lower with collateral in place.
With unsecured loans UK, the major advantage is that there is no threat of property repossession. An involuntary default will not cost the borrower anything. However, he will be blacklisted and will find getting loans in future a tough proposition. Another positive is that the documentation process, a fixture with secured loans, is virtually absent here. These loans generally come with a cap of 25000 and a maximum repayment period of ten years.
About the Author :
The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. She has done masters in Business Administration and is currently assisting Shakespeare finance as a finance specialist. For more information please visit at
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