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Submitted by: Margaret Le Monnier
When you hear the word reflexology, what comes into your mind? Most people merely think of it as a form of massage that only brings relaxation. To understand the exact nature of reflexology therapy in more depth, you would probably need to read a whole book. However, just to give you a general insight, reflexology is far more than just a massage. It is a technique known worldwide, which uses a compression-rubbing technique to massage areas called reflex points. These reflex points are linked to, and can influence energy to specific corresponding places in the body. Very often this energy flow becomes blocked or slows down and when this happens reflexology can clear, strengthen and remedy this problem.
Reflexology will bring about not only relaxation but also relief from stress, pain and various ailments. In addition, it helps by stimulating the different systems in the body particularly the digestive and nervous system. It is a holistic approach that induces balance both in mind and body. Some of the ailments that reflexology can heal are migraines, chronic headaches, sleep disorders, PMS, digestive disorders, back pains, and ailments that involve the respiratory system.
A little known benefit of reflexology therapy is during pregnancy, and in particular as a part of pre-natal care. Safe reflexology treatment may be given from pre-conception, during pregnancy and even after childbirth. This shows you how gentle and non-evasive reflexology can be. Some midwives around the world use reflexology and they report that it is highly effective.
Reflexology can also help couples who would like to conceive. Treating both parents-to-be will help them relax and reduce stress, which unfortunately is a common problem for couples when trying to conceive. It will also help them sort out any health issues at the same time, and will eventually help them to their best state of health for conception. Due to its balancing effect, couples can maintain manageable stress levels and aid proper sleep.
For mothers-to-be reflexology can bring about a huge relief especially during moments of back pain due to extra weight and posture. Reflexology can help aid discomforts such as high blood pressure, mood swings, fatigue, sleeplessness, morning sickness, back pains, constipation, pubic pain, heartburn, and leg cramps.
After the delivery, a reflexologist can help the bodys shape return back to normal. Adjusting to normal life again after giving birth can cause much stress, and this therapy can also help here too. In the post-natal period, mother, father and baby can all gain benefit from this treatment. A weekly reflexology session is recommended, and you can even hold your baby and breastfeed while having the treatment. Mothers should know that reflexology can help with lactation difficulties, and it can cure mastitis or tenderness of the breasts.
Reflexology is safe and excellent for new born babies. The babys body has reflex points too, although you have to be extra gentle when touching them. Ask your therapist for their advice; maybe they will show you the proper way to do it, especially if it is something easy. For babies ailments such as constipation, distress, and a colicky tummy can be improved.
If you plan to carry out any reflexology on your baby yourself, do make sure that your baby is always relaxed, warm and comfortable before carrying out any form of touch or massage, and be careful never to overdo it. Remember this is also good bonding time, so look into your babies eyes and talk to them. This is quality time. Do not underestimate the power of reflexology for you both. Be happy and relaxed and your baby will be too. There is much evidence that any regular massage of your baby will improve their immune system and ensure normal growth levels.
About the Author: Margaret Le Monnier has over 20 years-experience as a qualified natural health professional in the UK. To find out more about reflexology visit her website at
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