United States Savings Bonds Series Ee

United States Savings Bonds Series EE, commonly referred to as Series EE bonds, are a secure and low-risk investment option offered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. These bonds are a popular choice for individuals looking to save money over the long term while enjoying certain tax advantages.

Features of Series EE Bonds

Series EE bonds have several attractive features that make them a desirable investment option:

  • Guaranteed Return: Series EE bonds are guaranteed to double in value after a set number of years, typically 20 years. This means that if you purchase a bond with a face value of $100, it will be worth $200 at maturity.
  • Tax Advantages: The interest earned on Series EE bonds is exempt from state and local taxes. Furthermore, if the bond is used to finance education, the interest may also be exempt from federal taxes.
  • Low Minimum Investment: Series EE bonds can be purchased for as little as $25, making them accessible to a wide range of investors.
  • Security: Series EE bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, making them one of the safest investment options available.

Buying Series EE Bonds

Series EE bonds can be purchased directly from the U.S. Department of the Treasury, either online through the TreasuryDirect website or by filling out a paper form and mailing it in. These bonds are non-marketable, meaning they cannot be bought or sold on secondary markets.

When purchasing Series EE bonds, you have two options:

  1. Full Face Value: You can buy a bond at its full face value, meaning you will pay $100 for a bond with a face value of $100.
  2. Half Face Value: You can buy a bond at half its face value, meaning you will pay $50 for a bond with a face value of $100.

Series EE bonds have a maximum annual purchase limit of $10,000 per Social Security Number. They have a maturity period of 20 years, but they can be held for up to 30 years, continuing to earn interest during that time.

Buying a Property with No Deposit Sydney

If you are considering buying a property with no deposit in Sydney, it is important to note that Series EE bonds cannot be used directly as a down payment for a property. However, they can still be a useful tool in saving for a property purchase.

By investing in Series EE bonds, you can gradually accumulate funds over time and earn interest on your investment. Once the bonds reach maturity, you can choose to cash them in or continue holding them and earning interest.

While it may not be possible to rely solely on Series EE bonds to fund your property purchase, they can be a part of a larger savings strategy. It is essential to consider other saving methods such as regular contributions to a high-interest savings account, investments in other financial instruments, or exploring government assistance programs designed to help individuals save for homeownership.


United States Savings Bonds Series EE offer a safe and reliable investment option for individuals looking to save money over the long term. While they cannot be used directly as a down payment for a property in Sydney, they can be a valuable component of a comprehensive savings plan. Whether you are saving for a property or for any other financial goal, Series EE bonds can provide peace of mind and steady growth for your savings.