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By Susan Hornby
Flock wallpaper is sometimes referred to as flocked wallpaper and offers a retro look. This type of wallpaper has experienced a resurgence in popularity over the last five years and provides a velvety, textured finished. This type of wallpaper has been around for centuries and as with many things come in and out of fashion.
Flock wallpaper gets its name from the process of flocking. This in its basic form is where fibres are applied to an adhesive coated surface. These fibres typically range from polyester to nylon. During the process of flocking the fibres are kept very short and tightly compact to help deliver that velvet effect. Ornate decorative patterns are usually used on flock wallpapers. This is because they help to make a grand statement and provide good contrast.
Brief History
Flocking was based on an early 17th century technique and was designed to imitate velvet and textile wall coverings. The very first flock wallpapers used to be made using a wool by-product which was then applied to the wallpaper. The finish of these was pretty poor however in the 18th century further improvements were made as inspiration was being taken from Damask, Brocade and tapestries. By the 19th century flock wallpapers had fallen out of fashion yet only to return in early 2001.
Traditionally only the wealthy and aristocrats could afford such wallpaper. Today flock wallpaper is still seen as luxurious wallpaper but is affordable to most home owners. In the early days flock wallpapers came in large or small sizes. Today home owners have much more choice and can find patterns to fit with the size of their rooms. This is extremely important as older designs could at times be very overpowering.
Why is Flock Wallpaper so Popular?
As mentioned previously flock wallpaper is associated with luxury living and elegance. This type of wallpaper is very easy to apply and a much more viable option than bespoke textiles. Their renewed popularity means that choice is also aplenty and home owners can buy it at relatively low cost.
Is Flock Wallpaper only Available from Specialists?
Its growing popularity means that flock wallpaper can be bought in most DIY stores and from high street decorating shops. Choice on the high street can be limited however so the internet can be a great resource for finding and ordering flock wallpaper. If you are searching for flock wallpaper online you might want to consider searching for flock wall coverings as well. This is because the term wall covering is starting to replace the term wallpaper. This is because of the confusion between computer wallpapers.
Flock wallpapers fit can work well in almost any room in the house. Many use them for accent walls or in hallways and dining rooms. They can help make a real design statement and there texture and styles are both exciting and unusual. Designers are using them more and more and their popularity is set to continue to grow. If you do decide to use such wallpaper remember to take into consideration your rooms dimensions and existing decor.
About the Author: Susan Hornby – Interior design enthusiast who has a passion for
Flock wallpaper
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